#TattooTuesday – Lyndsay McCreery


Have I got a Tattoo Tuesday for YOU!!!!

Take it away Lyndsay, 

Each and everyone single one of my tattoo’s has a meaning. I currently have 6 tattoo’s, 3 individual ones and 3 that make up one big one that start my sleeve. They each cover a scar, a scar that remained from a past that I longed to escape, and I fount the best way to do it. What better way to start over then with something beautiful?

My first ever tattoo at the age of 18, it was a rash decision I’m not going to lie. I didn’t go to a tattoo parlor and get it done by a professional. I was visiting my cousin who by out of consequence had been doing tattoo’s. I knew exactly what I wanted so I told her and got it done the same day. You can imagine that it’s not very good right? The rule is always get your tattoo done by a professional. Even though she isn’t a professional, it’s my first and probably most memorable one. The meaning behind it will always be one I live by. I may think negative thoughts about myself or my surroundings, but I will only speak about positive thoughts. Don’t embrace the negative, instead embrace the positive. Because there’s always a silver lining, even on a cloudy day.

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Now my next tattoo came a few months later, now this one I planned. I found a drawing online and immediately sent it to my friend for her to draw for me, it was everything I wanted. I had always loved Batman and the characters. My favorite was The Joker though. I saw a lot of myself in him, now I’m not a sociopath or a serial killer or anything but I just connected with him. His scars was a big part of it, he had scars that everyone could see, he didn’t try and hide them. It’s as if he wore them proudly even though they were a source of pain. Another thing was every time Batman defeated him, he never stayed down long. He got back up and he fought back harder. My next tattoo made me realize I can’t take my scars to seriously, I couldn’t take life to serious. I have to find something to life about, I have to find that strength to wear my scars proudly not because I’m ashamed of them, because I’m proud of them. They each represent a battle in which I lost, but I got back up and fought harder and I sometimes won. Because I have to lose sometimes and I’m okay with that.FullSizeRender (2)


My 3rd tattoo as you can see is also Batman. Now as a little girl I didn’t spend my nights watching Disney movies, I spent them watching old batman movies. I watched every single film, night after night. I fell in love with it, and the whole idea of it. I didn’t have a hero growing up but Batman quickly became mine. Now the reason why I chose the Bat signal is for a number of reasons but i’ll give you the only one that matters most. For me, the Bat signal means hope. A hope that a hero is out there, hope that someone is always looking out for you, but most importantly that you can always find hope. So now I look down at my wrist everyday and I see scars, I see sadness but I can always find hope.

Now my last tattoo is a bundle of 3 which make up one big tattoo. Now this I put a lot of thought into it and I planned for months. This one probably means the most to me, because it represents the 3 most important people in my life. My brothers and baby sister. Now I’ll have to explain this one for you to understand it. I’ve battled self harm since I was 9 years old. It was something that got me through each day when all I wanted to do was give up. I didn’t think I’d have anything to fight for, anything to live for. Then by the time I was about to turn 11 came my brother Jude. He was born and suddenly I had something to fight for, because he needed me. I was the one to fed him, changed him and made sure he had everything he ever needed. He was my reason to fight, but then I also had another reason to fight as well, because along came my brother Alexandar. I did the exact same with him as I did with Jude. I was living with my dad when he came along but that didn’t stop me. I cared for them because they didn’t have anyone else who would. I struggled but I managed. Then Dixie came into my life. A little sister I always wanted but unfortunately 5 days after she was born Jude, Alexandar and Dixie got took away and went to live with there grandmother. I saw them maybe 5 times after that and I’ve not seen them since. That was 6/7 years ago. The stopwatch represents that no matter how much time has passed or much will pass, they’ll never leave my life and my heart. The birds represent that they may fly away but I’ll always be here waiting for them with a home and welcome arms. They’ve flown away and they’ve grown into such beautiful children, but it doesn’t matter if I’m not in there life anymore, as long as they are happy and they have the childhood they deserve then everything will be alright. They’ll hold a place in my heart and they have permanent place in my life. It may be in ink and on my arm but at least it’s close to my heart.

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My tattoo’s each hold a painful memory underneath but as I look at them today I no longer see pain, I see beauty and happiness. I plan to have more, I plan to have something to remember my battle with self harm, and I plan to have something to remember the fresh start I have made. I’ll leave you with a Batman quote that oddly fits my tattoo story.

“It’s not who you are underneath, but what we do that defines us.”

Thanks so much Lyndsey, amazing story of over coming. I love you ink, too. 

If you have a tattoo story and want to be featured on Tattoo Tuesday, leave me a note in the comments. 

Tattoo Tuesday – Tyler Wiechman

Please join me in welcoming Tyler Wiechman.  

No, your eyes are do not deceive you.  It is the web slinger himself tattooed on Tyler’s arm.

Sing it with me:  Spider man, Spider man, Does whatever a spider can. Spins a web, any size, Catches thieves just like flies.  Look Out! Here come the Spiderman.

Ok, now that I got that out of my system, read on to learn what inspires Tyler’s ink.   Tyler makes his favorite action heroes look so cool.  

5 Questions

1.  How old were you when you got your first tattoo?


2.  What made you want to get your first tattoo?

Religion–I’m no longer religious and actually the current sleeve is covering up my first tattoo

3.  How many tattoos do you have?


4.  What is your tattoo story?  If you have more then one tattoo, tell me about your first or your favorite?

I don’t have a specific tattoo story, but the story behind the current sleeve is my love of marvel comics and how I’ve been inspired as a fiction writer, by many of the characters throughout that universe.  Some of my other tattoos symbolize my love of music, the loss of friends, my love of writing, and other fun geeky things (like star wars!)

5.  Tattoos on a significant other, like or dislike? Why?

It depends on the girl (and the ink for that matter).  A good girl with some good ink is pretty awesome.  Poor artwork and sloppy coloring is just disappointing.

Twitter:  @twiechman

Blog:  twiechman.wordpress.com

Related Blog:  Tyler has some background work done on the two tattoos shown above.    Check it out.

If you would like to be featured on Tattoo Tuesday, let me know in the comments below.

My Weekly Update – November is going to be ________!

Between Friends by Sandra Bell-Lundy

I will leave the end of this sentence blank in order to fill in the spectrum of adjectives that I will be using to describe the month of November.  I can foresee this month being amazing, creative, genius and frustrating, demanding and down right awful all at the same time.  But, isn’t that what makes life fun.

Hear is my month by the numbers:

      • 50,000 words to write for NaNoWriMo
      • 16 chapters to critique for my awesome CP’s
      • 8 chapters to edit for my awesome CP’s
      • 15 blog post to clean up and finalize – they have already been written 🙂
      • 2 Next Big Thing posts that I can’t put off any longer – Thanks Karen & Amanda
      • 1 Cool Writing Exercise Challenge – Thanks again, Karen
      • 2 NaNoWriMo Interviews – these are easy, I love talking about myself
      • 1 Guest post for Mischa at My First Book
      • 5 day business trip to conduct a 3 day golf show with 100,000 people
      • 2 day fun trip to Xi’an China – I am going to see 8,000 Terracotta Army Soldiers
      • 6 boxes to pack and ship to America from China – not as easy as it sounds

 Last Minute NaNoWriMo post – these are really different, so check them out.


Editing post – I am going to empty out my cache of editing post for you to enjoy and so I can stop thinking about this for November.  I still have some editing duties in November, but when I am writing I need to stay out of editing mode.   

New Followers
Audrey at A Place to Fall
Rita at New Partnership – The Wordy Photographer
Stacy Farr
Kirsten at A Scenic Route
Diamond Mike Watson
Terry Scott
Rebecca May
Next Week’s Schedule
Monday – Monstrous Monday
Tuesday – Prophecy of the Most Beautiful Blog Tour – Diantha Jones
Wednesday – OMAR Blog Tour – Craig Thompson
Thursday – 1st day of NaNoWriMo – See my Daily NaNoWriMo Updates here
Friday – The Grimoire Trilogy Blog Tour – S.M. Boyce
Sunday – My Weekly Update
 *Thank goodness for the scheduling feature on WordPress.  

Tattoo Tuesday – My Friend Convinced me to Get a Tattoo

Marvin by Tom Armstrong – How cute does Marvin look with that bone on his back? haha

No one had to convince me to get a tattoo because, well, I have wanted one for as long as I can remember. But, over the years, I have convinced two friends to get tattoos.  So, I asked them recently, how did you let me talk you into getting a tattoo?

Friend #1 – The week I returned home after law school, I wanted to get a tattoo to commemorate the occasion. This was tattoo #2 and I had such a great experience with tattoo #1, I wanted to share this one with someone.  Cue my work friend that had turned into one of my closest friends.  It really didn’t take much convincing, but I recall before this occasion we had never had one conversation about tattoos prior to this day.  So, how did I convince her?  She said I was so excited about sharing the experience with her she didn’t have the heart to say no she didn’t want one.  Now, how is that for friendship. She ended up getting a connected female/male symbol on her lower stomach.  She didn’t regret it and we have this great memory to share.

Friend #2 – Tattoo #3 is my favorite and I got it from Gabe Shum at Ace Dragon Tattoo in Hong Kong. Brilliant tattoo artist by the way. If you want a dragon, he is the go to guy. My friend’s boyfriend and I were going to get tattoos.  He had one already and wanted to get a dragon on her upper arm. Now, my friend is the type of person I though would never get a tattoo. I realize now that you can’t assume that about anyone.  She sat and watch her boyfriend and I talk about and plan and schedule our tattoos for months.  (Gabe usually has a waiting list). She went with us to the tattoo shop.  Her boyfriend gets his tattoo and then I get mine.  The entire time, I am telling her to go ahead get one.  And telling her what a bad ass she would be if she had a tattoo. As we were wrapping my tattoo up, she decides to get one. A small dragon on her lower stomach.  Seems to be the place for spur of the moment tattoos. She said, she saw how excited we were about our tattoos, she wanted to experience it herself. Now, she wants to get an entire back piece.  We created a monster.

One of my favorite episodes of Friends is when Phoebe convinces Rachel to get a tattoo with her.  Phoebe decided to get a Lily, “For my mom because her name is Lily.” Later at the shop, Rachel get her heart shape tattoo on her hip.  Then, when Rachel asked to see Phoebe’s tattoo, she didn’t get it.  “The guy came in with needles and did you know they do this with needles.” and  then Rachel replies, “Really, you don’t say because mine was licked on by kittens.”

After getting her back in the chair, the artist touched Phoebe once and she jump out of the chair and left.  In sharing the story with the “friends” later, she says “For your information, this is exactly what I wanted. This is a tattoo of the earth as seen from a great great distance.  It’s the way my mother sees me from heaven.” Cue the aahh track.

Needless to say, you should get a tattoo for yourself, but getting a tattoo with friends can be a great  bonding experience.  But, please make sure you want one the tattoo in the first place. As you know, they are permanent.

I am still taking submissions for tattoo stories.  If you would like to be a part of Tattoo Tuesday, let me know in the comments. 

Tattoo Tuesday – Will my design make a good tattoo?

The best person to answer this question is your tattoo artist.  Actually, I should clarify.  The best person to answer this question is your experienced tattoo artist.  If he has experience, then he has seen more bad tattoos then good tattoos.  He knows best, so listen to him.

My first tattoo (the sun and the moon), I had pictured it being very detailed and complex.  But, I also wanted it very small and on a place where I could show it off when I wanted to and hide it if I needed to.

The tattoo artist said no.  For a detailed tattoo you have to make it big enough so that in 5 – 10 years, the lines won’t blur together.  If it is too small, it is almost guaranteed that it will not be recognizable in a few years.

I wanted to use 4 different colors. I pictured the sun being yellow and the moon being blue and the stars around it in green and white.

My tattoo artist said no.  Black and grey with a few white accents.  He explained that yellow, green, blue and white on my skin tone would not look yellow, green, blue and white.  Color looks best on pale skin tones.  Now, this was several years ago and I have seen people with my skin tone with color tattoos, but they went to artist that were experienced in tatting their skin tone.  Great lesson to remember, which takes me to my next point.

Make sure the tattoo artist is capable of doing the design and style you want with absolute confidence.

One of my tattoos was a great idea, great concept.  The artist thought he could do it like I wanted it.  But, he wasn’t sure.  Red flag.  I didn’t listen and got a bad tattoo.  It has since been covered and correct it, but there is nothing more upsetting then getting a tattoo that you don’t like.

So, look at images, create a concept, pick out a style and color.  But, be prepared.  You artist may have a better way to express your idea and give you a good tattoo as well.  After all, that is the goal.

What are some of your tattoo design ideas?  Anyone else have a bad tattoo? 

I am still looking for submissions for future Tattoo Tuesdays.  Share your tattoo stories.