Z – Jay Z Quotes

ZOne of my favorite writers is Sean Carter aka, Jay Z. Yes, rappers are writers, too.

If I were to get a song lyric tattoo, I would started with Jay Z discography. Here are some of my favorites:

“Dream Big, Be Unrealistic.”

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I hope everyone had a great A to Z Challenge. Congrats to those who survived.

What was your favorite letter? 

X – Xavier Neal – Special Tattoo Tuesday Feature


Oh, I’m sorry. It looks like Xavier got tied up, so Logan will tell his own damn tattoo story. 

Logan “Unbreakable” Kellar: You want my tattoo story? Huh. Alright. I was 18. Legal. My tatt says Unbreakable across one of my pecs and the top part of the u is a chain length that connects to chains around both my biceps and meet in the middle of my back. I’ve been through a lot of shit in my life, like an old man who used to beat me within inches of my life, and the one thing that stuck with me are the words my best friend, my now wife, said to me around the time we were 18. She told me I wasn’t invincible, just Unbreakable. She wanted to remind me that no matter what the fuck the world threw at me, nothing could ever break me. I would always been strong. I needed those words. I love having that reminder tatted on my body. I love the ability to carry her around when I step into the ring, the place that I wouldn’t have ever ended up if it wasn’t for her.

Read about Mr. Kellar’s journey in The Senses Series Box Set. 

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Blind: Aside from being blind to the fact his best friend, Maxx Hughes, is madly in love with him, Logan ‘Unbreakable’ Kellar has it made. He’s the best amateur fighter at TKO, has a buffet line of women desperate to be taken by him, and three friends that are his family. However, when Maxx crosses over from Logan’s blind spot on the side lines to the dead center of his vision, he realizes that he can’t stay blind to the fact this girl, is the girl.

Deaf: While the pleas of Logan Kellar’s best friends typically fall on deaf ears, there’s one voice he can’t ignore so easily. His own. And when Maxx, his beautiful best friend, says something that shakes his existence, he finds himself suddenly desperate to be heard.

Numb: Just when Logan Kellar was finally ready to make some changes in his life, his entire world was flipped upside down. Now the pain he is used to burying is fighting back. Refusing to let him slip into his old ways, refusing to let him hide from his mistakes, and refusing to let him become numb.

Hush: Logan “Unbreakable” Kellar finally has everything he’s always wanted in life. When a career opportunity, that could jeopardize everything, comes along, he’s put back in the position where he’s spent most of his life. Torn. Now, Logan has a hard hitting choice to make. Tell the only girl he’s ever loved exactly what he’s feeling or fall back on old habits and keep his feelings on the Hush.

Savor: Lately, Logan “Unbreakable” Kellar’s life has been a series of miscommunications with catastrophic consequences. However, this time around, the consequences threaten to not only damage his current relationships but erase a future he only ever dreamed of. Will Logan lose everything he’s ever hoped for or will he finally be able to break the cycle of his mistakes and get the future he is so desperate to Savor?

If you want to be featured on Tattoo Tuesday, please let me know in the comments. 


W – Wonderful Inking Moment

WMy new wonderful writerly friend shared with me a wonderful inking moment. I have to share with you.

Let me introduce you to Skye Falcon.


Skye had a fan-girl moment and had one of her favorite artist – Christina Perri, sign her arm and that’s right, she got it tattooed as a permanent reminder of a wonderful inking moment.

I think that is so cool!

So, what artist would you consider getting tattooed on your arm? I have a pretty cool signature if my work speaks to you. hehe!!!

V-Very Cool Quill and Ink Tattoos

VAnother popular tattoo among writers is the Quill & Ink. Here are some of my favorite:

Lori L. Clark – I love watercolor tattoos and wanted a feather pen with the word believe for my writing endeavors.


Lori has been busy this year. Check out her Come Here, Go Away Box Set


Angie Richmond – But my most recent tattoo (which was done June 26th) represents a new beginning for me. It’s a quill with the words This is my journey. It’s located on the inside of my right forearm. It’s a reminder for me to stop and enjoy the moment. That everything I do is part of my journey in life. I wanted the quill because it incorporates the writer in me.

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Megan Erickson – My first tattoo is on my ribs (ouch!) and it is a feather quill and ink bottle, with the words, “Carpe diem.” I got that tattoo so that every day, when I looked in the mirror, I was reminded to seize the day, make it count, and WRITE. Two months after I got that tattoo, I wrote my very first book.


Megan has a few new releases, so she got to show up twice.


All three of these tattoos are unique and have a unique meaning to each writer. I love how the same image can have so many different interpretations.

If you have ink and you want to show it off, please let me know in the comments. I would love to feature you on a future #TattooTuesday
