His Allure, Her Passion – Get to Know Juliana


I met Juliana during JuNoWriMo last year and I was an instant fan.  Hope you enjoy getting to know her, too.

Nicknames: Ju, Juli, Seca (which is a slang for someone too thin in Portuguese – I was too skinny when a teenager)
Where do you live: Connecticut
Your favorite dessert: hm, anything with hot fudge and ice cream
Your favorite TV series: TVD, Nikita, Arrow, and Beauty and the Beast. I CANNOT choose only one from these.
Last book you read: Breathe by Abbi Glines
Last movie you watched: The Expendables 2 (horrible! good for laughs though)
Last song (or album) you bought: Lucifer by SHINee (South Korean boy band)
A book/series you could read over and over again: I’m not big into re-reading but I would say any book/series by Richelle Mead
Coke or pepsi? Both
Day or night? Night, though, after becoming a mother, I had to force myself to become a day person 😉
Pen or pencil? Pencil
Summer or winter? Winter – I have super low blood pressure and faint a lot during the summer, so …
Cat or dog? Dog
Tea or coffee? Both
Plotter or pantser? I was half-half, but now I’m trying to become more of a plotter
When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? I’ve been writing since I was 13yo, but it was only a hobby. It was around 2009 when I thought I could try this seriously, but I took it very slow in the beginning.
What are you working on now? I’m writing NA contemporary romance called Breaking the Reins and I’m plotting The Everlast #2 which is unnamed yet. And I will not mention how many ideas are swirling around my mind. Too distracting …
If you decided not to be a writer, what would your other dream job be? Why? Architect. I went to architecture school for 3 years. Loved it to death. Still do.
What is the scariest thing you’ve ever done in your life? Moved out of my parents’ house in a very small town when I was 16yo and went to live alone in a city with 1.5 million habitants.
Who is the one person that has singlehandedly inspired you the most in your life? My father. He and I always talked a lot, about everything, and he always pushed me to be a better person. Before I went to college (for Architecture, then Graphic Design), he told me I should do something where I could use my writing – he knew I was destined to be a writer, even when I didn’t.
What is one talent that you’re hopeless at, but you wish you had? Singing. And drawing. How I wish I could do both at least a little decently, but nah. I’m hopeless.
What is one trait or physical characteristic that you are proud of/love about yourself? Physical = my greens eyes. Trait = I always treat others as I would like to be treated. Respect is the law.
Do you have any suggestions for aspiring writers? Don’t give up. Each word you put down, you’re improving your craft. Several known authors wrote lots of manuscripts before finding and agent/selling a book. Your time will come. You just have to keep at it.

Juliana Haygert

HisAllureExcerpt from His Allure, Her Passion
Dylan kissed Hayley, his lips moving slowly at first, afraid of getting her madder than she already was, afraid of falling under her spell more than he already had. But her scent burnt his nostrils and her sweet taste teased his mouth, and he lost it. His need grew, and he increased the speed and pressure of the kiss. Startling him, she matched his new rhythm, her soft lips moving along with his, her nails scratching the back of his shoulder, sending shivers down his spine, shaking his core. Wanting more of her, needing more of her, he slid his hands up her bare back, rubbed her silky skin, glued himself to her. He loved her skin on his, her warmth mingled with his.
Dylan could have kissed her forever, and he would have, weren’t it for Dorant.
“Perfect,” the photographer said, destroying the moment. “And that’s a wrap. We’re done here, people.”
The kiss slowed, their hands drew back, and finally Hayley pulled her head back, breaking the kiss, her wide eyes on his.
Damn, he missed her lips already.
“Hayley, I-”
She walked away without hearing him. Perhaps, it was for the best, since he wasn’t sure what to say. He felt he needed to say something, to fix them, to fix their relationship.
Hayley, on the other hand, didn’t seem eager to fix anything.

Tattoo Tuesday – Amsterdam Tattoo Museum & Calling all Tattoo’ed Writers

SydTatTWOAmsterdam Tattoo Museum

The connection between tattoo’s and writing for me is all about the sacrifices related to  creating something out of nothing and the pain that goes into doing just that.  If you are a writer and haven’t experience some pain regarding the process, well, keep going.  And, just like a tattoo, yeah it hurts, but when its over, their is this unique and permanent piece of art in the world.

The Amsterdam Tattoo Museum demonstrates the creation of art.

I am super excited to announce they have a new location

February 28th, 4pm.
van Woustraat 78, Amsterdam. BE THERE!!
They are still seeking donations, so if you would like to help, please visit here and here for more information.

Check out The Amsterdam Tattoo on Pinterest and see why this is a special collection and a special place.

Calling all Tattoo’ed Writers

I created Tattoo Tuesday to feature writers who share my love of tattoo’s and want to show off their ink.  If you have a tattoo story to share along with some beautiful work and want to be featured, please let me know in the comments.  It’s easy, just answer five questions and provide me good photos of your tattoo’s. And, if you have something to promote, this is a good place to do it. Tattoo Tuesday’s are my highest viewed days.

If you have been featured before and have some updated ink, please let me know that, too.

To view past Tattoo Tuesday featured writers, please click here.  

My Weekly Update – Writing Assignments Accumulate

Writing Assignments

In my quests for finding employment, I applied to a writing network and was accepted.   My first assignment is due on Friday. So, hyped about this. In addition, I have a guest post to complete by Friday and two chapters of edits due on Monday.

And, to top it all off,  I sign up for a Short Story Contest, which is due on Friday. This is where I need your help.  The contest sets heats and everyone in my heat for this first round has to write in the same genre and use the same character.  I thought is would be a great challenge until I saw the genre.  I have to write a fantasy story.  I don’t have anything against fantasy, I just don’t read it and don’t know much about the genre.  It’s not the same as science fiction, right?

Huge favor – share with me your favorite Fantasy writers? I need a point of reference.  

Do you have Ten Minutes? 

Harry Widdifield, formerly know as Sevestian Winters (check out his guest post on my blog a couple of months ago, brilliant) has penned a new blog and a new journey in life as the Teller of Ten Minute Tales.  His goal is to write a short story a day.  He currently has two volumes for sale. I suggest you pick them up.  Great stuff and you can read a story in 10 minutes.  Who doesn’t have 10 minutes.

Have you read Harry’s short stories? What do you think?

Post to Ponder

PBC’s Successful Launch by M.L. Swift – I am so proud of my book club.
How to Push Past the Bullshit and Write that G-ddamn Novel:  A Very Simple No-F–kery Writing Plan to Get Shit Down by Chuck Wendig – Sometimes you just need some one to break it down for you.
You are Uncomaparable by MarcyKate Connolly – This goes along with my favorite quote from Bird by Bird,  “Jealousy is the business of comparing my insides to other people’s outsides.” It’s not worth it, so stop doing it.
What Came First:  The Scene or The Word? by Mike Reverb – I struggle with this as well. I see the scene in my head like a movie, but can’t seem to capture the same visuals and drama when I put it down on paper.
Things Every Writer Should Have by Nicole Pyles – another message about not comparing ourselves to other along with other great tips.
New Followers
Jay Finn
Jim Allen
Super Dull Boy
Tuan Ho
Tazein Mirza Saad
Elizabeth Hein
Next Week’s Schedule
Tuesday – Tattoo Tuesday
Wednesday – His Allue, Her Passion Blog Tour
Thursday – Back to the Future Bloghop
Friday – Stardust Summer Blog Tour

The Ninja Captains Big Reveal!

CassaStorm by Alex J Cavanaugh

CassaStorm by Alex J. Cavanaugh


A storm gathers across the galaxy…

Byron thought he’d put the days of battle behind him. Commanding the Cassan base on Tgren, his only struggles are occasional rogue pirate raids and endless government bureaucracies. As a galaxy-wide war encroaches upon the desert planet, Byron’s ideal life is threatened and he’s caught between the Tgrens and the Cassans.

After enemy ships attack the desert planet, Byron discovers another battle within his own family. The declaration of war between all ten races triggers nightmares in his son, shaking Bassan to the core and threatening to destroy the boy’s mind.

Meanwhile the ancient alien ship is transmitting a code that might signal the end of all life in the galaxy. And the mysterious probe that almost destroyed Tgren twenty years ago could be on its way back. As his world begins to crumble, Byron suspects a connection. The storm is about to break, and Byron is caught in the middle…

Release Date: September 17, 2013

Science Fiction – Space Opera/Adventure
Print ISBN 9781939844002
E-book ISBN 9781939844019


Progressive Book Club – Bird by Bird Top 10 List

Level Up! Blogfest post is below.



Welcome to the first discussion post of the Progressive Book Club, hosted by M.L. Swift.  This month’s selection, Bird by Bird written by Anne Lamott.I really enjoyed the book. It was funny and entertaining. I forgot it was supposed to be educational.

 What I took away from this book was a deeper understanding of why I love to write.  It reminded me, although being a writer can be frustrating and isolating and at times boring, there is nothing like the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual feeling  you get from writing.

Here are the top 10 lessons I learned from Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott:

  1. Writing and reading decrease our sense of isolation.  They deepen and widen and expand our sense of life. – It gave me a life.
  2. Do it every day for a while. – I struggle with this the most.
  3. The actual act of writing turns out to be the best part. – If I could remember how it feels all the time, I would no longer have a problem with #2.
  4. When my writer friends are working, they feel better and more alive than they do at any other time. – Again, that physical, emotional, mental & spiritual things I talked about before. 
  5. You get your confidence and intuition back by trusting yourself, by being militantly on your own side. – Writing taught me who I am and who I am, is ok. 
  6. Write an incredibly shitty, self-indulgent, whinny, mewling first draft.  Then take out as many of the excesses as you can. – Turning off and the edit button is hard and even harder to turn it back on. 
  7. Characters: it takes time for you to know them, you need to find out as much as possible about the interior life of the people you are working with, you are going to hate some of your characters, you are probably going to have to let bad things happen to some of the characters you love, plot grows out of character, the better you know them the more you’ll see things from their point of view, you have to get things quiet in your head so you can hear them and let them guide your story. – My favorite section of the book. I love the purposeful task of creating a good character. 
  8. The development of relationships creates plot. – You create some much for the reader if you focus on the relationships in your WIP. 
  9. Dialogue: listening, observing, storing things away, making your isolation pay off, each one must sound different, gives us the sense that we are eavesdropping, is the way to nail character. – Eavesdropping is the key.
  10. Jealousy is the business of comparing my insides to other people’s outsides. – I put this one on my inspiration board. It is so true.  Not a fair comparison, so stop doing it. 

Which piece of advice do you identify with most?