Life, Love and the Movies Blogathon


Last year, I participated in three of 5 stages in the 5 Obsturction Blogathon created by Nostra of I enjoyed the blogathon because it made me look at movies and movie reviews in a different way.  Unfortunately, I couldn’t finished it because life got in the way, but I promised myself if he hosted another blogathon, I would be all in. along with Karamel Kinema have created the Life, Love and the Movies Blogathon.

The rules are simple, answer the following 16 questions.


1. What was the first movie you saw in the cinema and what do you remember about that visit? The first movie I remember seeing in the movie theater was 1977 Smokey and the Bandit. The movie stared Burt Reynolds, Sally Field and Jackie Gleason. I remember not really understanding it. I was really young.

2. Are there any movies you have very strong memories of which are not because of the movie (for example something which happened at the time you were watching it)? Smokey and the Bandit holds a strong memory. The story: “The Bandit is hired to run a tractor trailer full of beer over county lines in hot pursuit by a pesky sheriff.” That trailer of beer was Coors beer and my father worked for Coors at the time in the marketing department and it was shameless marketing how often they showed that truck full of Coors beer.

3. Which movies had a big impact on you and changed a (small) part of your view on life? 1980 Urban Cowboy because it took place in Houston and that’s were I was living at the time. It was cool to have a movie set in your own city. We got to share it with the word. Although the movie didn’t do much to dispel any of the Texas stereotypes.

4. Do you have any comfort movies which you return to because you are in a specific mood (for example if you are feeling down/nursing a heartbreak)? Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is my go to movie to put myself in a good mood. Not only is it southern and sexy it has some amazing dialogue.

5. If a movie would be made about your life, what type of movie would it be and who would you like to portray you? It would be some type of chick lit movie with a lot of humor, but at the center, it would be my journey to find my passion. Thandie Newton could play me. Although we look nothing alike.

6. Which existing movie best represents you?  The Matrix – I spent most of my life doing what was expected of me. I wasn’t unhappy, but I always thought I was supposed to be doing something else. I feel like I had been asleep for a long time, but two years ago, I finally woke up.

7. If you knew you would die tomorrow, what would be the last movie you would want to see? The Avengers. It is my favorite movie with my favorite movie character (Tony Stark/Ironman) and the dialogue is brilliant.

8. If you can spend your life working in the film industry, what would you be and why? (you know, director, producer, actor, cinematographer, costume designer, sound designer etc?) I would like to be a studio executive/executive producer. I would have the opportunity to make decisions on what movies got made and help to raise funding for those movies. If I did have this job, trust me, there would be a new Avenger movie out every six months for the rest of my life.


1. Did you ever have a first kiss with someone while at the cinema and if so which movie was playing? I haven’t, but how cool would that be.

2. What is your favorite movie relationship and why? Anna Scott & William Thacker – not only is it the regular  person with the famous person, but the movie doesn’t just stop when they finally get together, you get to find out what happens after that. That movie had the most satisfying ending.

3. When did your love for movies start and how has it grown? I have loved movies as long as I can remember. A movie a week was normal for my family growing up. Often we had a movie day on Monday holidays, we would spend the whole day at the movies watching one after the other.  We got in four one time. It’s my favorite escape.

4. If you have to choose one film to watch with your loved one, what would it be and why? I have two depending on where we were in our relationship. He’s Just Not that Into You if I needed him to think differently about relationships and Titantic if I wanted him to see what never dying love is all about. (I know, most of them die, but it’s a feeling)

5. If you can choose one character from a movie to be your significant other who would it be and why? Legolas from LOTR and The Hobbit. Not only is he beautiful in the most masculine sort of way for an Elf, but he is loyal, understands tradition, spiritual and he will fight and die for you.

6. What was the first movie that made you fall in in love with film and cinema? I had an early love of movies, but I think The Breakfast Club made me recognize and fall in love with a perfect movie. It was the first moment I realize what an amazing script, amazing cast and an amazing director could create.

7. How did your passion for movies turn you into a movie blogger?  My friends used to play the movie quote game and I would pick the most obscure dialogue or line and stump them every time. On a trip to London when I was 15, I got home sick and the thing that made me feel better was reciting the entire script of The Breakfast Club. My love of quotes is where Sydney Quotes the Movies come from.

8. What is your favorite date from a movie? I don’t know if this actually qualifies as a date, but my favorite couple moment is from Notting Hill when Anna gives William the Chagall painting and says my favorite movie line of all time, “I’m just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.”

Where did your love of  movies come from? Join the blogathon and tell us. 

6 thoughts on “Life, Love and the Movies Blogathon

  1. Interesting series of questions. I’d be tempted to tackle these. I don’t think I’d ever seen Smoky and the Bandit. I went to see Urban Cowboy with my first wife in the theater when it first came out. I remember being upset with the female lead (was it Debra Winger?) because she looked and acted like my wife at the time and the stuff in the movie bothered me. I probably need to see that one again now that I’m distanced from that time.

    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out

  2. Great answers, studio executive huh? Remember if you become one you can hire me as editor (which was my choice) 😉

    Legolas…good reasons why 🙂

      1. Awesome, I’ll do some special effects work then as well. And if you want a villain who is bad at acting just think of me 😉

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