Secondary Character Bloghop

bloghop3Hosted by this generous group: Theresa Paolo, Kelley Lynn, Jessica SalyerJenny Morris and Suzi Retzlaff. They are giving away stuff, so sign up.

In Movies:  Jack Nicholson as Colonel Nathan Jesup in A Few Good Men kept popping in my head when I thought about a secondary character who stole every scene.

Thanks to Aaron Sorkin for writing the words.  Scene always gives me chills.

I did a little more research and realized Jack is a 4 time award nominated and 2 time award winning secondary character.

See Easy Rider, Reds, Terms of Endearment & A Few Good Men.

In Books: My favorite secondary character is actually the narrator of my new favorite book, Nick Carraway in The Great Gatsby.  I just love Nick’s consistent sense of hopefulness in Jay Gatsby.  Nick wanted to believe in Jay so bad every step of the way.  This one of my favorite scenes that demonstrate this:

“By the way, Mr. Gatsby, I understand you’re an Oxford man.” 
“Not exactly.” 
“Oh, yes, I understand you went to Oxford.” 
“Yes —- I went there.” 
A pause. Then Tom’s voice incredulous and insulting:  
“You must have gone there about the time Biloxi went to New Haven.” 
“I told you I went there.” said Gatsby.
“I heard you, but I ‘d like to know when.” 
“It was in nineteen-nineteen. I only stayed for five months.  That’s why I can’t really call myself an Oxford man.” 
Tom glanced around to see if we mirrored his unbelief.  But we were all looking at Gatsby. 
“It was an opportunity they gave to some of the officers after the Armistice,”  he continued.  “We could go to any of the universities in England and France.” 
I wanted to get up and slap him on the back. I had one of those renewals of complete faith in him that I’d experienced before.  
Daisy rose, smiling faintly, and went to the table.
Again, must give credit to Mr. F. Scott Fitzgerald for the written words.

I haven’t seen the movie, yet. I’m a little skeptical whether Tobey MacGuire is able to do Mr. Nick Carraway justice.

What are some of your favorite secondary characters?  Make sure to visit the other bloghop participants and discover other great secondary characters.