Vikki, Why do you blog?

Here’s another addition of my 2nd year celebration. I would like to introduce you to Vikki Thompson from The View Outside. I first met Vikki on May 2, 2012. She commented on a blog post I wrote called Distracted, Again. Her comment:
“Hi :)I am sooooo distracted right now in my writing that I really am not one to offer advice lol. So Iโ€™m just stopping by (via the Insecure Writers Group) to say I know exactly how you feel :( There just arenโ€™t enough hours in the day lol Good luck!!!!Xx”
She has been super support ever since. So, Vikki, why do you blog?

When Sydney asked me the question Why Do You Blog? I turned to Molly Greene for inspiration. These are the reasons Molly suggests as to why writers blog:

  • To connect to readers.
  • To practice craft, discipline, voice and style.
  • To form relationships with other authors.
  • To establish an effective platform.
  • To blog a book or 2.
  • To build an e mail list.

All valid “writerly” reasons, but none of these questions sum up WHY I (in italics BIG letters lol) blog (although the 2nd one is definitely something I’ve benefitted from).

At first I started to blog for my own selfish reasons, to keep a record of my writing journey. The things I learnt about writing, so that I could see progression (if there was any!) in my work. But what i discovered is that overnight, I became part of a community. A community of “writers” and i was accepted in with open arms. That was a bit of a shock. People commenting on MY Blog? Really? Why? It took me ages to get my head around that one lol.

You see, for me, Blogging = a community of like minded people who all share the same fears, hopes and dreams. I love the fact that chats, discussions and ideas cross oceans and time zones. I get support, a shoulder to cry on (when required) and a pat on the back just when I need it the most. In return, I do the same ๐Ÿ™‚

So why do I Blog? Because no other social media gives me such a sense of belonging as my little corner of WordPress. I may not have thousands of followers, but i don’t care. Each and every one of my followers are part of writing family ๐Ÿ™‚

That includes you Sydney! Happy Blogiversary xx

What about you? Why do you blog?

22 thoughts on “Vikki, Why do you blog?

  1. Totally, Vikki! This little community on the vast Internet is such a great place to meet folks and form relationships. It’s so nice to meet you here on Sydney’s blog! She’s such a superstar for bringing more writers together.

  2. I started blogging to keep track of my progress and to get used to seeing my words up on the screen for people to read! It worked. ๐Ÿ™‚ (Much of it thanks to IWSG!)
    Now, blogging has become like an 24/7 cocktail party, except that I can wear my fuzzy slippers and drink hot chocolate. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I count on Vikki for the cake. ๐Ÿ˜‰ You guys are awesome!

  3. I started blogging after I released my first book…realizing I had to create a platform. I thought I’d hate it, but found out it’s actually pretty fun. Specifically because it’s just about as random and unique as I am. I never post on a schedule, and whatever ends up out there is whatever popped in toy mind. And like you, I love the friends I’ve made all around the world!

    1. Hi Millie ๐Ÿ™‚

      It’s crazy really isn’t it, to think that people thousands of miles away know your name and how you’re feeling that day. Great fun! ๐Ÿ™‚


  4. I first started blogging on my space because I wanted to meet people I would never meet otherwise. and I sure have, including you Vikki, then I got into poetry sites and writing and it grew from there. Now I consider my online friends more as friends than my “real time” ones. The support from the writing community is awesome ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Awwww, thanks Sue ๐Ÿ™‚

      I know what you mean though! the Hubster knows all your names because I talk about you guys more than I do my “real life” friends lol ๐Ÿ˜‰


  5. Newbie here:) I’ve just started writing again. I’ve never done an A-Z or blogfest anything before so this is all pretty fresh, but I am definitely beginning to learn a bit from you all that’ve been doing this for a little while. I’m becoming more and more thankful for posts like this and others that share their experience and wisdom gathered over time. Thanks again Sydney and Vikki!
    Erick @ A Brief Sinfonia

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